Are you awesome?…

I don’t mean this in an arrogant or conceited way, but a quietly confident way. So ask yourself……Does your planning include being the best?
….in life?
….in your career?
….in your relationships?
In a metaphysical /spiritual sense you already are. The only issue for most of us is that we don’t usually acknowledge it or worse we are oblivious to it. We usually spend the first half of our lives allowing the bricks of self defeat and negativity pile over time and ultimately get in the way of that realization. And, in most cases, we put them there ourselves. We build our own obstacles completely unaware of not only what we are doing, but the affects of doing it. So what we are born with becomes obscured over that period of time.
The trick for most of us is that it takes conscious “right action” to achieve this objective and it is very difficult to accomplish. It only happens by divine providence and that is because of our decision to do something about it, the belief that we can, developing a plan to do it and putting the plans in motion. It has to happen in that order! When one of those elements is missing, it will fail. This is not something that occurs through luck.
It is our highest purpose in life to be the most awesome version of what we were intended to be from the minute we came to this world. To not realize this is tragic.
So it is never too late to Be Awesome!….or Expect the best. Work hard and remain diligent.

Stay Sharp and good luck!

Until next time my friends,
Onward and upward!


~ by Bo Hussung on February 25, 2010.

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